dimanche 22 juillet 2007

Cortex mon ami

Suite au défi de Byrsa

Your Brain is Orange

Of all the brain types, yours is the quickest.

You are usually thinking a mile a minute, and you could be thinking about anything at all.

Your thoughts are often scattered and random - but they're also a lot of fun!

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about esoteric subjects, the meaning of life, and pop culture.

What Color Is Your Brain?

J'attend de voir la couleur du cerveau de notre cher Ami Imed

4 commentaires:

BYRSA a dit…

hihihi !moi je dis que les résultats sont biaisés !!

Louwings a dit…

Comment ça "the quickest"???? je veux des preuves SCIENTIFIQUES!!!!!

Georgyo Groovy Abitbol a dit…

eh oui, il ne faut pas être jaloux

Tambour Battant a dit…

